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Highest paid city employees in Chicago

  If our highest paid city employees are cops does that mean we live in a police state? These are the highest paid city employees in Chicago, and as with most city government most of them are cops and firemen.

In most city budgets in Arizona the police get about 40 percent of the budget, with the fire department getting the next 20 percent. All other city departments then share the remaining 40 percent of the budget.

I suspect those percentages are ballpark figures for most cities across the USA.

Bottom line is most city government spending is on the POLICE, which would lead me to say we live in a police state!


Emanuel puts City Hall employees, salaries online

Posted by Tribune staff at 3:55 p.m.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration this afternoon posted a list of city employees and their salaries.

The top 10 highest salaries among the more than 34,200 city employees, according to the city:

1. Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, $260,004.

2. Mayor Emanuel, $216,210.

3. Fire Commissioner Robert Hoff, $202,728.

4. Police Asst. Supt. Beatrice Cuello, $188,316.

5. Police Asst. Supt. James Jackson, $188,316.

6. First Deputy Fire Commissioner Charles Stewart III, $188,316.

7. Aviation Commissioner Rosemarie Andolino, $179,109.

8. Deputy Police Supt. Ernest Brown, $178,740.

9. Deputy Fire Commissioner Michael Callahan, $178,740.

*10. Deputy Police Supt. Debra Kirby, $178,740.

It's part of a continued effort by Emanuel to post more city information and databases online.

You can view the employee and salary information by clicking HERE



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